Philosophy of Special Education Inclusion: Inclusion is whereby all students are welcomed in a regular
classroom. Inclusive schooling is the practice of including all students, regardless of culture origin, socioeconomic background
or disability- in supportive mainstream schools and classrooms where all students' needs are met. Inclusive schooling is made
up of three components. First, support networking and organization of teams as well as individuals who support each other.
Some examples are school-based and district-based service teams as well as community agencies. Collaborative consultation
and learning is the procedural component. It involves individuals with a variety of knowledge who work together to plan and
implement programs for diverse students in mainstream environments. Cooperative learning is the instructional component that
is relevant in a classroom learning atmosphere. The principles of inclusion apply not only to students with disabilities but
also to all students.
There are many benefits to students in an inclusive setting. Inclusion in classrooms
gives opportunities for children to learn from one another. The integration of students is necessary for children to gain
positive values and respect for each other. Children with a variety of various levels of disability learn more in integrated
setting than in segregated. Students also get a chance to be in diverse setting, which they benefit from socially.
The definition of exclusion is to bar from participation, consideration or inclusion.
Exclusion in schools is discrimination. Education is a human rights issue. A person with a disability has a right to be in
school. That school should modify their system to include everyone.
Mainstreaming: "Mainstreaming" is the placement of a student in a regular classroom
for educational purposes. "Partial mainstreaming" is the placement of students with disabilities in the regular classrooms
for part of their instructional day, but not as the primary placement.
Self-contained classroom Self-contained
classroom students are offered a regular education curriculum. In these classrooms, only the conditions and settings change,
rather than the curriculum. A typical adaptation in this setting is to limit the amount of reading a student must do. The
alternative curriculum involves teaching survival skills as well as independent living skills.